Testing procedure for fire/flood damaged appliances
- All water damaged appliances are thoroughly dried internally and externally before inspection.
- All appliances are then subjected to a visual inspection and full Portable Appliance Test.
- If the Portable Appliance Test is successful, the appliance is then internally inspected for evidence of water, moisture, carbon, soot etc…
- If there is evidence of settlement, it is then removed and restored before a function test.
- If the appliance is functioning satisfactory, it is then subject to a full internal restoration and component failure tests.
- When the appliance has passed all the above tests, it is then rebuilt and subjected to a further function test.
- If the test period is successful and no faults are recorded the appliance is then externally restored.
- The appliance is then wrapped in a protective covering and sent for delivery or storage.
- All leads ( i.e. scart, RF etc ) undergo visual, function and continuity tests.
- All appliances tested by our company are issued with a 90 day guarantee for the work carried out.
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.